Copy n Past: Bread

Wolfpat's Copy N Past Interview with Bread.
Yo it’s wolf
What up
Big chilling right now. Hope you and yours are good and safe during all this craziness.
Yeah. We’re good. Foods on the table. Everybody’s happy. For now. What about you how are the girls?
Thats really good to here. My girls are great, we just making the best of it all. Thank you for asking!
Ight gotta keep it nice and sweet.
For sure
When was the last time we filmed?
Dude I wanna say it was a couple years ago.
January 12, 2017 dude times flys!
Trip out. Too long bro.
So we have this little part on the site from that time frame of when I was last out in Palm Springs filming in the streets. I know my time out there was always random and last minute, but you always seem to get out and get a clip whenever you had the time. During that time where you living on PS?
Yeah I was. I had a casita spot. Pretty close to the skatepark.
That being the Palm Springs Skate Park and was that the first place we met?
Yeah. In the shop. Tanner let me know you were coming down and we linked from there.
Lol oh ya! My first couple visits to PS I remember everyone saying “oh yeah Bread did that, Bread did this”. So that night I got into town I was telling tanner to get you out. I believe we went to a dark ass out rail with Miley’s busted genie and light and you did fs board? Or was that the 2nd time at that spot ?
Oh yeah. I had been there before. I went back not too long ago to check it out. There’s a new gap at that spot!
Was that the day you got on rhythm? Or were we already backing you? Cuz I was back you since I met you!
Haha naw I was on the shop for a little bit a that point. I appreciate you guys though!
Of course, every spot we filmed or tried to film at you always would get a clip or get broke off trying. I’ve seen you take a few slams. Skating crazy spots what’s you usually like?
Yeah kinda. Getting broke off sucks, but I grew up jumping down stuff, watching sorry and dying to live every day.
That last weekend I was in town, I was there trying to film an edit for TWS called #weallskate. As things go that never came out.. idk if you knew that at the time or not? But you still went in and did this ollie in the middle of Downtown PS. It was a crazy big Ollie but what was so special about it to you and Patt who was there spotting at the time ?
Palm Springs is famous for its architecture. Some buildings have been there forever hosting perfect gaps/Hubbard that remain barely touched. That gap is one of them. It’s pretty hefty and goes right into traffic. Pat’s my road dog we search and destroy on a weekly basis. A trick landed on anyone’s part is just fuel for the mission. You just witnessed some of the general hype. That gap was definitely good fuel though.
Hubbas not Hubbard
Ya dude I felt it! I Was so hyped! Yeah Pats rad too. Its amazing that there is so many great skateboardings in PS. Does that make you feel like you have to go harder?
In the sense that we try to push each other. Yeah. Nobody’s out here trying to be the best. It’s hard to keep that schedule in a town full of good bars and food. We’d rather get a taco then see who goes hardest.
And that’s what I love so much about going out there! Thats so true, everyone is so rad to one another. I have met and heard a lot about different locals. Who have you always been stoked on out there in Palm Springs?
My dude TC Graves kills it. We’ve all been watching him come up. Martin Chavez has been on a mission lately too. My homie Rey Romero is also another person I’m stoked on. He recently opened a hub for skateboarders with his Las Palmas Brewery. And he’s done some work to some DIYs that have set off and inspired more builders.
Dang thats what’s up. Talking about side gigs because we all know skateboard is always the main gig lol. I we see you are doing grip tape now?
Yeah dude! I’ve done shirts for Funhouse before, but I’m stoked to have a product the homies can all actually use.
Yes the grip looks dope and stoned! Is that what Funhouse is about getting stoned and shredding?
Hahaha yeah kinda. Can’t think of the last time I had a sesh without a doobie. I’m sure many can say the same. Funhouse represents the good times of the session the FUN!
Well I have always had a blast in the streets with you and thats no lie! I’ve seen you put down multiple banger in under 24hrs while taking some slams. You have a smile that tells it all when on the skateboard.
Thanks dude! That’s the fuel! Everybody brings it. You bring that shit Wolf! I seen it.
Shit thanks, I get passionate when others are just as fired up! Well damn, I wish we could chat all night but Im gonna get this posted now.
Hell yeah dude. Sounds good. Can’t wait to show my lady!
We gonna link up soon after all this bullshit is over. I hope you like the part we posted. Stay Good Dawgie!
Thanks my dude. Keep it Fun. See you soon.